What's Your Oxygen Footprint?

Tree planters have big Oxygen footprints. Come out to ArbDetroit and increase your oxygen footprint this Spring. If you plant trees you already know the satisfaction that comes with spreading life, habitat, shade, fresh air, and beauty. We are painting with trees. What a way to generate ripples of good out into a future that extends way beyond us.

With all due respect to those of you who have never planted a tree, I can’t imagine what you must feel like. You probably “ don’t know what you don’t know.” Well, we want you to know. We want every one of us to feel what it is to heal the land, the planet, and be a part of  amplifying shade, oxygen, and elegance. There is one downside though; you will likely be upset that you didn’t do it sooner.

Youth planting trees in Treetroit One

Planting trees is doing a thing that is virtuous into the future, times a million. When I am planting a tree I am doing something that is absolutely net positive. That’s not for me easy to achieve in this complex modern world, especially as a so-called white or off-white guy. It’s very complicated I realize, and confusing to navigate being here in all the ways that we are. We are using resources, creating forever garbage, burning fossil fuels, taking up space that could go to someone else. When you consider all that this tree you plant is going to do for the planet and her beings over the next 200 years, you may begin to feel a slight balancing of your impact. Imagine if we all just planted three trees in “our” yards.

We hear so much about our Carbon Footprint, as we should, but we don’t really hear about our Oxygen Footprint. That’s what I’m talking about- productive and proactive. I promise we will all live better and feel better about the space we take up here, and the space that we leave behind us, as it was before us.

Arbage, not garbage.

As always, Arboretum Detroit offers many opportunities to increase your Oxygen Footprint. We have two events for Earth Day, and a couple more just because it would be humiliating to accept that Earth Day is a single day. It’s Earth Day for you whenever you plant a tree. 

Check out the calendar on our website for dates, times, and locations. We welcome donations here.
